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5 Exceptional Ways VoIP is Lowering International Call Charges

With no barriers between the nations, it is easier for businesses to thrive in the international market. Countries are opening their boundaries to provide enough opportunities to their businesses to grow in this ever-evolving era of the internet. Easier commute and the internet have enabled companies to trade with people staying on the other side of the world.

Nevertheless, for medium and small businesses tapping the international market often seems too farfetched as it can be a capital-intensive option to scale up the company. One of the major restricting factors in going global can be communication if the company is stuck with a traditional phone system. Higher the number of minutes, more expensive the business communication gets. 

To combat this hindrance in going international, businesses across the globe are switching to VoIP termination services. In comparison to traditional telephony, VoIP works in a completely different manner as telephone calls are treated as data IS passed through your IP network. And as broadband is, for the most part, cheap and easy to access, VoIP termination service is a more feasible ALTERNATIVE for business owners looking to CUT DOWN call costs.

Switching to a VoIP service can drastically reduce telephony costs. Alongside this, a VoIP system offers increased flexibility in other areas of your business, allowing the enterprise to expand with minimal infrastructure costs. On an average, a business can expect to save between 30% to 50% by adapting a VoIP service. However, just because VoIP comes at a cheaper price than traditional telephony, it does not mean the quality of calls through IP networks are inferior. The contemporary VoIP systems offer call quality that surpasses the quality of traditional phone lines.

5 ways VoIP is delivering Low International Call Charges

This sentence is confusing. I think we are saying When a superior technology optimizes a service and lowers its cost makes the older technology redundant Advancements in technology can lead to lower costs, making the old technology redundant. VoIP offers exceptionally low costs of calling to businesses that wish to set up their network in the international market. Following are the 5 keys ways in which VoIP reduces call charges and salvages companies from squandering money on international business communication:

1. Single PBX with Several Numbers:

VoIP termination service allows you to channel several phone numbers to the same PBX (Private Branch Exchange) while the numbers can be in different countries. This can result in major cost optimization for a business as VoIP systems enable international trade without having to set up a premise in another country.

2. Lower Overheads Requirement:

VoIP systems offer lower overheads because they don't require wired networks or backup systems, making it more economical to run than a traditional phone system.

3. Slashed Relocation Costs:

With a provider that offers flexible Direct Inward Dialing numbers, businesses can scale a solution to fit any size of business at little additional cost. A DID (also known as virtual number) can be assigned and routed to any of your employee's device, be that a laptop, a mobile, or the office telephone. Calls can also be forwarded to the employee’s home phone or even overseas when an important team member goes abroad for business.

4. Eliminates Call Waiting and Voicemail Expenses:

Traditional phone systems included expenses on call waiting and voicemail. The savings of a VoIP service allows you to eliminate your reliance on these optional extras found in traditional phone contracts.  VoIP not only delivers lower costs but also assures that not a single call goes unattended.

5. Application Integration:

A good voice termination service will offer a robust set of APIs, offering the option to interconnect with your CRM system. As the VoIP is accessed by software, it can integrate digital telephony services to any contact application. With an integrated VoIP system, every customer can be identified through your VoIP system. This allows a business to bring up their details as soon as they start calling and thus improve the speed and accuracy of the response.

VoIP Technology is the Next Revolution

While calculating your business operations, sales drives, and customer support functions, the cost of contacting customers in different countries is not the only factor. Huge additional costs like the admin and development tasks that you need the phone for, meetings that need to be attended remotely, and complex issues discussed during long calls must be incorporated too. A three-hour phone call made between 25 people across three countries through traditional telephony would be a strain on the pocket for any business.  

With its innumerable benefits, VoIP technology is revolutionizing communication services. VoIP services allow businesses to better deliver their services OR VoIP services allow businesses to deliver services in better ways, cut costs, and improve interaction with customers and employees while replacing the old office telephone network.

BridgeVoice’s Automated Carrier Platform allows wholesale VoIP service providers and carriers to do business from anywhere in the world with Global Operators through our Platinum package. The platform helps them connect and offer high-end VoIP termination services to their customers. 

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