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Optimizing International Voice Traffic Management with a Global Voice Carrier

As more individuals are working remotely, Communication Service Providers (CSPs) are witnessing a huge spike in network traffic. Voice and video conferencing are becoming more popular as more people prefer to work from home amid COVID-19 pandemic. A lot of educational institutes globally depend on remote teaching methods to continue with their operations, contributing to the rising demand for voice traffic management.

When it comes to managing the international voice traffic, telecom service providers have reached a critical juncture. Considering the constraints inherent in the technical and economic links that permit the global voice traffic, as well as a growing number of external issues impacting the revenue margins, operators are now facing continuous pressure to maintain profitability.

Addressing the Challenges in the Voice Landscape 

It's important to grasp the market scenario before figuring out how operators might run their voice business more successfully. The competitive environment due to over-the-top (OTT) competitors is one of the biggest issues. This growing competition is the primary reason why telecom companies must mitigate the voice frauds that amount to 1.6% of the revenue losses.

In addition to the increasing challenges in the voice business, operators are also constrained with extra complexities while handling the business itself. For the diversification of their offerings and to generate revenue, operators must expand their resources and infrastructure while also managing complex layers of technology such as 5G. However, all of this involves additional expenditures, reduces profitability, and impacts customer experience apart from increased exposure to voice fraud.

The servers dedicated to the service should be able to manage the international voice traffic to properly utilize a VoIP communications system. VoIP load balancing is used to effectively manage huge amounts of user activities and session initiation requests when a network is overloaded. Another technique to assist voice traffic management is to install suitable security solutions that prevent unwanted traffic from accessing a network system. This will improve the security of a system against threats such as Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.

Neutralizing Bypass Frauds for Smooth International Voice Traffic Management

Bypass fraud diverts traffic away from legal structures towards interconnected operators, allowing international calls to be terminated to other countries. This divergence allows to bypass the extra fee that regulators or operators often charge for international connections. Fraudulent players profit from these strategies while the network operators and governments suffer losses.

The first step to combat bypass fraud is detecting it, followed by an advanced traffic analytics system. These analytics help operators to distinguish between legitimate OTT VoIP calls and fraudulent OTT VoIP app calls through technology advancements and innovation, allowing regulators to trace and stop unauthorized routes.

Key Reasons to Partner with a Global Voice Carrier 

Optimized Operations: Telecom companies can replace multiple vendors with a dedicated global voice carrier to manage international voice traffic and streamline their international voice business for maximum operational efficiencies. 

Global Network Support: Operators can capitalize on large economies of scale and leverage their partners' extensive network of relationships, enabling them to offer their voice services with a more competitive advantage.

Faster Configuration Changes: The majority of voice traffic management systems lack the flexibility to perform quick configuration changes. The Deep Packet Inspection-based Quality of Service (QoS) functionality allows to detect the most critical traffic and provide it the maximum bandwidth.

Enhanced Customer Experience: A global voice carrier enables the operators to deliver reliable customer experience across the world. Operators can also utilize their partner’s expertise while also having access to proactive monitoring technology and 24x7 customer assistance.

Safety for International Voice Traffic: Operators can limit the potential of fraud such as call hijacking, call spoofing, call spamming and, Wangiri attacks. Operators can better secure their customers and revenue, with access to fraud prevention services of global voice carriers.

Moving Ahead with a One-Stop Solution Global Voice Partner

It is more crucial than ever for CSPs to manage network traffic. CSPs are already struggling to keep up with the added voice traffic as millions of individuals and businesses across the globe work, learn, and use streaming media at an unprecedented rate.

BridgeVoice enables telecom operators to offer global coverage to their consumers. We have exclusive traffic agreements with some of the top MNOs, MVNOs, and enterprise customers who are offering top-notch origination and termination services to their customers. Our A-Z voice termination services are available around the world, and our team of qualified specialists is constantly working to narrow the gap between what our customers expect and what they receive. We regularly examine the traffic on our wholesale circuit to ensure that linked VoIP carriers receive the best wholesale carrier services available, whether through unilateral or bilateral agreements.

Naishil Jha

Naishil is a Content Writer at Panamax, Inc. with rich exposure in the field of Creative Content, Marketing Communications and Branding. With an academic background in Mass Communication and Journalism, he has made a career in content writing and has worked upon varied content pieces. In his leisure time he can be found reading about cricket, performing street photography and cooking some delicious food.
