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Top 5 Wholesale VoIP Innovations to Boost Customer Experience

Customer experience is of prime importance for retaining a competitive edge in the telecommunication industry. The industry is witnessing an inevitable rise in customer demands and standards since technological advancement. Wholesale voice termination providers are increasingly looking for new ways to adopt advanced technologies to achieve maximum customer satisfaction.

Whether it is a contact center or an enterprise giant, they expect VoIP services providers to deliver the highest level of interaction across multiple digital channels. Thus, termination providers must ensure the quality of service and improved customer experience through technology-based innovations.

While 70% of contact centers have migrated to the cloud, the AI adoption rate in carrier platforms is projected to grow by 143% by the end of 2023. Many wholesale VoIP providers have been exploring ways to embrace AI, cloud, big data, and blockchain for automation, fraud mitigation, improved ROI, and offsetting pressure from their customers. The usage of these technologies offers high potential for VoIP wholesale trading platforms for enhancing customer experience.

Let’s understand the importance of customer experience and how technological innovations can help in this domain.

Why is customer experience important in wholesale telecommunications?

Providing positive experiences through customer service is the key to driving customer loyalty and, it boosts the revenue. Customer retention can be quite cumbersome in the telco sector since it suffers from customer instability. Consequently, telcos must prioritize customer experience above all.

On top of that, customer expectations from VoIP services jump-started with the onset of transformations occurring because of the pandemic. To meet these ever-changing customer demands, companies must constantly adopt the latest tech-driven business models.

In this fast-pacing world, services quickly become obsolete and of lower market value. Thus, investing in innovative VoIP services means investing in a high-quality customer experience and a high level of customer loyalty.

Top 5 tech-driven innovations enhancing customer experience

Predicting and fixing issues using AI-based automation platform

AI can help automate VoIP wholesale trading platforms to improve customer service management and service assurance. This automated platform can examine the service tickets received from the customers to segregate various types of requests. It can then diagnose and resolve issues by identifying patterns, running tests, and spotting false positives.

For example, in the case of a device outage, AI can analyze the network and flag particular switches that might need fixing.

Big Data-enabled Customer Profiling

Wholesale voice termination providers can incorporate big data and predictive analytics to better understand and dynamically profile customers. Big data and AI can be integrated with VoIP platforms to collect information from across multiple sources, like mobile apps, gateways, and call centers. This enables operators to know the best way to communicate with customers, find out what exactly they are interested in, and offer tailored services.

Leveraging blockchain for dispute settlements

Disputes can be a serious roadblock in providing uninterrupted wholesale VoIP services. Dispute identification and confirmation usually take 15-45 days, let alone dispute resolution. Most of the disputes are caused by data issues at the mediation level. However, with a single agreed data exchange format—CBAN, blockchain ensures that data received from partners gets converted into the specified format. Besides, with its DLT-backed security, partners can update their data daily instead of waiting for the month-end to settle disputes.

Delivering Omni Channel Customer Experience

In modern times, customers have become tech-savvy and want consistent brand experience across multiple digital touchpoints. They expect support and engagement from the service providers on their preferred channel. Different channels could be live chat, chatbot assistance, tweet, voice message, call, email, and so on. Cloud computing can connect digital product components of different channels using APIs. This will bring a consistent ‘branded’ look to all digital applications and services.

AI-powered Chatbots to Improve Customer Service

Indeed, customers’ opinion toward chatbots are still apprehensive. But However, maximum customer experience can be obtained if there is an optimal balance between digital and traditional channels. Modern cognitive technologies such as ML, AI, and Natural Language Processing allow creating intelligent assistant that:

  • Responds to basic queries
  • Serves correct information to recurring questions
  • Switches to live chat agent
  • Reserves telephone support for urgent issues

Personalization of interactions is also crucial to creating a next-level customer experience. It was found that 70% of people bypass irrelevant IVR as soon as they listen to a mechanical script. Chatbots also go a long way to solve this issue by offering personalized interactions based on previous chats, calls, or emails.

Transform Customer Journeys with our Automated Carrier Platform

Innovation is at the core of transforming customer journeys. Prioritizing the quality of service and customer experience is in the best interest of telecom operators. Choosing a carrier platform with an innovative and tech-driven model will help you do this. If not chosen wisely, you might lose your customers to competitors with leading-edge technology.

Bridgevoice Pluto is an automated carrier platform for wholesale VoIP service providers, build with a customer-centric approach to proactively meet customer expectations.
