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Understanding the Dynamics of Call Quality


Due to its countless advantages, businesses across the globe are switching to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) for their communication requisites. VoIP is the system of making a phone call over the Internet rather than using a landline or mobile network. It works by turning voice signals into digital signals, and then it uses your broadband line to send them as data, which essentially is like speaking to someone in another location, but through the Internet. According to a research by Persistence Market Research, global market for VoIP services is estimated to reach USD 194.5 Billion revenue towards the end of 2024.

Traditional telephony has offered remarkable call quality for decades. Thus, high-quality call termination has always been of vital importance to every business for smooth communication. With traditional telephony, quality phone calls were completely dependent upon the provider, but with VoIP systems, businesses have far more control over the call termination quality. Control on call quality through VoIP is possible as it is dependent on a range of factors like the performance, connections and usage on your local network and IP connection. One of the prime ways to exert this control is by choosing separate VoIP providers for call origination and call termination.

Call Origination and Termination

Call termination is an industry term for outgoing calls and call origination is for incoming calls. Are you working with just one VoIP provider to fulfil both, your call origination and termination needs? You can now choose to have separate providers for both. As the factors on which we evaluate the VoIP provider for call termination and call origination are separate, it is relevant to have different providers and thus get the best call services. Listed are the 3 keys to keep in mind while choosing your providers for origination and termination.


3 Keys to Choose a Call Origination Provider

For call origination, a VoIP provider allocates your organization with a set of Direct Inward Dialing (DID) numbers. After installation, when a call is received on one of the DID numbers, the provider links this virtual number to the PBX system and further connects it to the end-user in your organization. Let’s discuss the 3 keys to consider while choosing a call origination provider.

1. Sound quality

Sound quality is the primary factor to scrutinize while choosing a VoIP provider. Line traffic can have a bad impact on the sound quality. Businesses suffer due to poor call quality which may involve call drops, loss of incoming calls, or asking others to repeat themselves.

2. Flexibility

The relation between service providers and their beneficiaries lasts long if the providers are flexible. While choosing the VoIP call origination service provider, it is crucial to choose the one who would promptly ramp up its offerings based upon business needs, for instance providing few new DIDs for new starters, or setting up a new office in another country.

3. Call Management

The internal systems of your VoIP must essentially be able to route an incoming call based on its data. The data is transferred by the VoIP provider, so it will have to be rich enough for your systems.

3 Keys to Choose a Call Termination Provider

The factors to be incorporated for call termination are different than call origination. The role of VoIP termination provider while fulfilling your business communication requisites is basically to route your outgoing call from one partner to the next until it is received by the person you called. Let’s discuss the 3 keys to consider while choosing a call termination provider.

1. Call Quality 

The quality of call in the case of VoIP termination can be impacted by provider’s partners. If the partner used by the provider has a low-quality service, you would experience the same while connecting to your clients.

2. Availability of Backup Routes

There can be instances where the VoIP provider’s partner for a route is dysfunctional. Thus, to offer a smooth calling experience, it is crucial for a provider to have more than one partner for each route.

3. Competitive Price

As you pay for the outgoing calls, it is imperative to choose a provider that offers best prices in the market. A carrier’s success in offering call termination services depends highly on which carrier it chooses for VoIP termination services due to its impact on expenses, revenues, profit margins, and, ultimately, customer satisfaction. VoIP termination rates vary based on factors like the provider and the location of the destination number.

Simplifying VoIP termination services

Choosing the right partner for VoIP termination services is a critical decision for carriers as it determines the overall success of their organization, whilst affecting everything from profit margins to customer satisfaction. With the constantly evolving industry, the selection process has become increasingly complex and time-consuming.

Harshita Kapoor

Harshita is a Content Writer at Panamax. Inc. MBA in HR & Marketing, she found her calling in Content Writing. In a short span of 2 years, she has explored writing in different styles of content like Coffee table books, website content and for media. In her time of leisure, she finds happiness in binge watching classics & practicing yoga.
