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DID in Modern-day Businesses: 8 Reasons Why It Matters

Today, customer services are available around-the-clock, and seamless communication is offered via the client’s preferred channel for the entire customer lifecycle. Businesses must not hold themselves back in the wake of the digital world. If you plan to scale your business communications or extend exceptional support to your clients, you should not underestimate the significance of DID services.

A study has found that 67% of customers disconnect the call in frustration when they cannot reach a customer service representative. Here, DID services come to the rescue by allowing customers to reach an agent directly instead of being guided by an auto-attendant.

DID number providers offer virtual phone numbers that carry a lot of business benefits and are more versatile than traditional numbers. Direct inward dialing and inbound services can help businesses save on local and international calls, increase employee productivity, and increase sales. Let’s understand direct inward dialing, its functioning, and why it is necessary for modern-day businesses.

Quick Introduction to Direct Inward Dialing and Inbound Services

DID number providers supply companies with virtual numbers that function as regular phone numbers, but they're not tied to any landline or geographic location. DID numbers were developed to assign a direct number to an organization's specific employee or department without requiring multiple physical phone lines. Businesses can process and route hundreds of simultaneous calls to the appropriate extensions while having only one DID number to maintain.

How Does It Work?

The organization's Private Branch Exchange (PBX) systems often use DID services. The PBX system is a local phone system used in office buildings to connect multiple phones to the SIP trunk. SIP trunk line is an alternative to a traditional PRI (Primary Rate Interface) phone line. SIP trunks are easier to scale as they allow you to add more connections without physical wires.

The DID number provider assigns one or more virtual phone numbers to the trunk lines connected with a particular PBX system. So, when the PBX system receives a call, it routes the call to the particular extension to which the dialed virtual number is attached.

8 Compelling Reasons Why DID Services Are Vital for Today’s Businesses


Work from Anywhere Using Any Device

One of the most significant changes in the modern work environment is the shift to remote and hybrid work models. In that case, employees would need to be connected with clients at any time, no matter where they are located or even if they are on the go. Since virtual phone numbers are not tied to a table, employees can take calls from anywhere via their mobile devices.

It enhances your business communication by providing call recording and forwarding features. This benefit can be convenient if you hire people remotely based on time zone availability. You can easily set calls to ring the correct customer support teams in different time zones.

Trustworthy and Professional Brand Image

Any business lays its foundation over trust, and its value increases when dealing with your customers online since online buyers prefer to choose trustworthy businesses. It would be best if you displayed professionalism by all means, and DID number can be the very first step in that direction.

DID services allow you to choose toll-free or local business phone numbers with local area codes to make it easy for customers to identify, remember, and dial. A number with a familiar prefix feels more approachable and helps you gain customers' trust.

Better Team Collaboration

Direct inward dialing and inbound services encourage enhanced team collaboration among employees. Virtual phone numbers allow employees to collaborate over texts, emails, video, and conference calls when used with a VoIP phone system. Employees can share data or files with their colleagues in no time with the help of dedicated extensions.

Know Your Customer Better

When you are not attending to customers physically, it takes extra effort to understand your customers. You need to know their calls' average time duration, concerns, demographic details, and similar information to deliver on-spot solutions. DID services enable you to get a detailed call analytics report that can provide insight into your customers' demands.

Curb Call Drops

A virtual phone number system offers uptime and reliability for all DID services to help you eliminate the clunkiness and call structures associated with a conventional landline. DID number providers have strategically-positioned servers and carrier networks to route your calls with a maintained uptime of 99.9%. So, whenever a server goes down, any other takes its place, reducing the useless air and dropped calls to almost zero.

Centralize Customer Support

When it comes to helplines and advertising campaigns that run online, on print ads, or on the radio, businesses need to provide customers with easy-to-remember phone numbers to call. Sharing a simple and single phone number is critical to marketing success as it increases the chances of prospective customers dialing them. The cloud-based hosted telephone system can then intelligently route calls received on this single virtual number to a large call center or a team of agents. These agents can be seated in a single premise or multiple premises across the globe.

Track Returns on Marketing Campaign

For starters, you must assign a separate DID number for each campaign. For instance, publish a separate number for your OOH (out-of-home) advertising, another one for digital marketing, and a third one for your print ads. You may route calls to the same or different set of agents. Either way, your marketing manager can see how many leads have been received per campaign by accessing the call analytics reports.

Read Also

Direct Inward Dialing for Improved Communication
6 Ways You Can Cut Operating Costs with DID Services

Improving Field Sales and E-commerce Experience

Field sales representatives, such as medical, real estate, and delivery agents associated with e-commerce, are always on the move. A large part of their communication is carried out via their mobile phones. Direct inward dialing and inbound services can help businesses track and manage calls by allowing them to assign a virtual number to each sales agent instead of making them use their private phone numbers with customers. These virtual numbers are temporary, so businesses can scale them up or down according to their requirements.

Surf the Waves of Change in Modern Communications with DID Services

Running a business in the digital era demands a different set of strategies. A compatible and robust telecommunication system is the first demand you should meet. Direct inward dialing and inbound services, with their advanced features like call forwarding and intelligent routing, help you attend to your call traffic more diligently and effectively. Besides, it delivers on the demands of a modern business communication system that supports globalization and a better e-commerce experience.

BridgeVoice Pluto is a DID number provider offering various pay-as-you-go and unlimited packages for a wide range of international DID numbers with an advanced hosted system that gives you complete control over incoming calls.
